WeID services

University policy on ID Cards requires all UCSF staff, students, faculty, and affiliates to help maintain the safety of UCSF premises by using and displaying their UCSF ID badges. The WeID badge system helps verify identification and ensure access only to authorized members of the UCSF community. WeID provides the following services:

  • UCSF ID cards for students, employees, volunteers, contractors, vendors, affiliates and visitors
  • Fingerprinting services for employee background checks, licensing requirements, and NRC irradiator operation
  • Basic notary services for UCSF operations only - basic notary service for UCSF students, employees, and affiliates 
  • Basic notary service does not include home loan documents or other personal (non-UCSF) services

WeID contact

Email: [email protected] | Phone: (415) 476-2088 

WeID service locations 

WeID will begin new service hours on 1/6/2025. Both WeID offices will open at 7:15 AM and will accommodate customers until 6:45 PM Monday to Friday excluding University holidays.

Parnassus Heights  

Millberry Union, 500 Parnassus Ave.
P-7, Rm. MU18 
Phone: (415) 476-2088 

ID Cards, Fingerprinting and Notary: Monday through Friday: 7:15 AM - 11:00 AM and from Noon - 4 PM. Last ID card appointment must be in the office by 3:45 PM.

Drop-in service for ID Cards is available only at the Parnassus campus location.

Make a WeID Appointment

Mission Bay         

600 16th St.
Genentech Hall S 232
Phone: (415) 476-2088 

ID Cards, Fingerprinting and Notary: Monday through Friday: 7:15 AM - 11:00 AM and from Noon - 4 PM. Last ID card appointment must be in the office by 3:45 PM.

Make a WeID Appointment

***WeID will accommodate both Campus and Health employees with getting either their Campus or Health ID cards, effective August 1, 2024.***