Report a Crime

Call or contact us immediately to report any crime whether you are the victim or witnesses to the event. When asked, tell the person who answers:

  • Who you are
  • What crime is, was, or may be happening
  • Where you are
  • Whether you’re a victim or a witness

A police officer will take a written report and conduct a thorough preliminary investigation. A follow-up contact by the UCSF Police will be made within three business days.

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs): More information on how to report a Clery Act crime.

How to report an in-progress crime or emergency: call 9-1-1

  • Call 911 from any campus telephone to report any emergencies related to police, fire, chemical spills or medical assistance.
  • Call (415) 476-6911 from any mobile or non-campus phone.
  • The public safety dispatcher receives your information on a computer screen, identifying the location where the call originated.
  • Emergency duress buttons are located in campus parking structures and in open parking lots. Upon activation of an alarm, police officers will be dispatched immediately to the location of the incident.

Mission Bay Campus

  • Use an Emergency Blue Light Phone
  • Emergency phones that call directly to the UCSF Police Department are located in public areas throughout the Mission Bay Campus.

How to report a non-emergency crime or incident

Call the UCSF PD non-emergency line at (415) 476-1414.

What to say

Be ready with the following information:

  • Your name, your location, the phone number you’re calling from
  • A brief description of what happened, is happening or could be happening (if you’re a witness to the incident)
  • The location and time of the incident
  • Where the police should go to meet you or to respond to the incident
  • Whether anyone involved needs medical help
  • Whether anyone is in danger now
  • How many suspects are involved
  • If a vehicle is/was involved in the incident: a description of it and the license plate
  • Whether a weapon or weapons are or were involved and what kind(s): e.g., gun, knife)
  • Where and when you or others last saw the suspect(s)
  • What the suspect(s) look like (e.g., gender, race, age, height, weight, hair color and length, clothing, facial hair, tattoos or scars)
  • Any other relevant information


Whenever possible, the actual victim or witness should contact the UCSF Police Department directly. First-hand information is always more accurate and complete.

Why reporting is important

Whether you’re the victim of a crime or witness it, you have the responsibility to report it immediately to your UCSF Police Department. Prompt reporting of a crime or suspicious activity can do much to help us:

  • Minimize the crime’s impact
  • Apprehend the suspect(s)
  • Prevent further crimes
  • Provide data for statistical reporting that lets us know how we’re doing

As you can see, when you report a crime, you’re helping your UCSF Police Department maintain a safe and secure campus environment for all of us.

Report a sexual assault

If you are sexually assaulted:

  • See Report a crime
  • Keep in mind:
    • You aren’t required to make a police report
    • However, we encourage you to do so
    • You are legally entitled to withhold your identifying information from public release

If you choose not to report

What if you want to discuss your situation openly and not have it officially reported? In that event, you can contact one of these confidential UCSF resources:

Learn about the rights, options, and resources available from the UCSF Police Department to survivors of sexual assault and sexual violence.

Confidential counseling is available through the UCSF Confidential CARE Advocate, Student Health Services, and the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.