Make an Appointment


Location and hours

 For WeID locations and business hours, please visit our ID Card & Fingerprint Services Locations.

LiveScan/fingerprinting and notary service

LiveScan/fingerprinting and notary services are available at both Parnassus and Mission Bay and require an appointment. These CANNOT be booked using our appointment maker.

You MUST speak to a WeID team member to make any LiveScan/fingerprinting or notary service. Please call 415)476-2088 to schedule or cancel an appointment.

If the call goes to voicemail please leave a detailed message with your name and contact telephone number.

A WeID team member will contact you to schedule your fingerprinting appointment.


***If you have a UCSF email account please use that email address to make the ID card appointment. This will ensure that you get the email, but it may also put the appointment on your UCSF Outlook calendar.

Your non-UCSF email providers may not be processing the email confirmation, or you have to go looking for it in other folders like spam, deleted, thrash, etc.


ID cards

ID cards are issued via “drop-in” or by appointment. Priority is given to those with appointments.

Schedule an appointment at Parnassus

Schedule an appointment at Mission Bay