Until we arrive… be prepared
UCSF Police Department takes pride in our fast, effective response whenever and wherever you need us. However, crimes and emergencies typically begin before we’re called to the scene. To help secure your safety until we arrive, we offer the UCSF community a wide range of self-protection and emergency training programs. Note that due to COVID-19 certain trainings may limited, temporarily unavailable, or rescheduled.
- Active threat training
- Basic life support/CPR/AED training
- Campus Security Authority (CSA) training
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training
- Emergency preparedness education and training
- Evacu-trac evacuation chair training
- Floor Warden training
- Personal safety training
- R.A.D. self-defense training
Active threat! Train to cope
The tragedies at Sandy Hook Elementary School and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and other major shooting incidents have added a new term to our national vocabulary: active shooter.
These situations evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and minimize harm to people in the area. With situations increasingly involving not only guns but also bladed weapons, vehicles, and other destructive means, the UCSF Police Department now also uses another new term: active threat.
To help the UCSF community meet this growing threat, you can learn about steps to take in an active shooter situation.
Basic life support/CPR/AED training
“Basic Life Support (BLS): Adult, Child, Infant - CPR AED” is a video-based, instructor-led course that teaches participants critical skills for responding to and managing an emergency until emergency medical services arrive.
In the Instructor-led format, students:
- Participate in simulated clinical scenarios and learning stations
- Work with an American Heart Association (AHA) BLS Instructor to complete BLS skills practice and skills testing
- Complete a written exam in class
This fee-based course teaches skills using the AHA’s research-proven “practice-while-watching” technique. This method allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide them through their skills learning.
What you’ll learn:
- Understand the importance of high-quality CPR and its impact on survival
- Apply the steps of the “Chain of Survival”
- Recognize the signs that someone needs CPR
- Give CPR to adults, children and infants
- Understand the importance of early use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
- Use an AED during a heart attack
- Give effective ventilations with use of a barrier device
- Provide multi-rescuer resuscitation
- Learn techniques to relieve foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults, children and infants
The UCSF Basic Life Support/CPR/AED Training course is updated with information from the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC.
See the Emergency Preparedness Training calendar for course details.
Campus Security Authority (CSA) training
Campus security authority (CSA) training is available online via the UC Learning Center (enter the keyword "Clery”). Online training is also available via UC Risk & Safety Training for those without access to the UC Learning Center. Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) can find all relevant information on CSA training, the reporting of crime, and victim resources at the UCSF CSA webpage linked above.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training
The CERT teams we train learn the following skills:
- Establishing communications with EOC
- Providing basic first aid
- Identifying trapped and injured persons
- Surveying locations for safety hazards
- Performing initial damage assessment
- Establishing victim collection sites
Explore the CERT Training or contact [email protected].
Emergency preparedness education and training
The UCSF Police Department’s Homeland Security Emergency Management (HSEM) Division develops and offers training and exercises for:
- UCSF faculty, staff and students
- UCSF emergency response teams
- Emergency Operations Center staff
- UCSF Administration
In addition to the American Heart Association Basic Life Support/CPR/AED Training described in its own section above, these opportunities include:
- CA Standardized Emergency Management System (EOC Staff and Response Teams)
- UCSF Emergency Response Plan (EOC Staff)
- Campus Emergency Response Team Training
- Departmental Emergency Preparedness and Planning
- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Emergency Coordinator (and Floor Warden, see above) Training
- Incident Command System (EOC Staff and Response Teams)
- Mission Continuity Planning
- National Incident Management System (EOC Staff and Response Teams)
- Personal and family emergency preparedness*
- Worksite emergency preparedness*
*HSEM staff will come to your worksite to present programs on preparing for worksite and personal emergencies.
Send questions to [email protected].
Emergency training exercises
Tabletop and functional exercises are conducted throughout the year for:
- Mission continuity planning
- Emergency Operations Center staff
- Campus emergency responders and EAP teams
EOC exercises are often coordinated with San Francisco, State or Federal emergency management exercises. HSEM-sponsored education and training classes are posted on the Emergency Preparedness Training Calendar.
Evacu-trac evacuation chair training
This online training is required for any person intending to use an Evacu-Trac Evacuation Chair during a Campus emergency. Only people who have completed this training may use the Evacu-Trac chairs.
We have provided these chairs at locations across the UCSF Campus:
For more information, visit:
- Evacuation Policy for People with Disabilities
- Evacuation Chair Request and Training Agreement
- Evacu-Trac Owner's Manual
UCSF campus Floor Warden training
Your UCSF Police Department trains campus Floor Wardens to respond to Campus emergencies quickly and effectively. Their emergency-response responsibilities include:
- Identify where people are trapped, injured or disabled and in need of extraction or rescue
- Assist with safe evacuations
- All Campus Floor Wardens must complete this training, and we encourage UCSF Campus staff and employees to take it as well. Estimated completion time is 15 minutes.
See slides to accompany this training.
For more information, visit the UC Learning Center (type “floor warden” in the search field) or contact [email protected]
Personal safety training
When it comes to safeguarding your own safety, your UCSF Police Department stands ready to share what we know with you. To learn more, schedule a program presentation or request more crime prevention information or contact Jason Heil at (415) 502-9396 or [email protected].
R.A.D. self-defense training
The UCSF Police Department hosts self-defense training classes for women and men using the R.A.D. Systems of Self-Defense. Each program includes educational lectures, discussions, and strategies for physically resisting attack. If you would like to be notified about upcoming courses, sign up for the R.A.D. mailing list, which will also give you priority UCSF registration, or view the upcoming class schedule. Classes are typically scheduled twice per quarter.
For more information contact: [email protected]