Accountability and transparency play a significant role in public confidence. On this website, you can find data and information on various elements of our work. We use this data to make important decisions about our operations and hold ourselves accountable to upholding our PRIDE values while serving the UCSF community.
Report suspected misconduct
Our department takes violations of federal and state laws, and University policy, seriously. Reporting of misconduct and other complaints can be made at the following locations:
- EthicsPoint can provide a confidential means for reporting suspected misconduct. You may report your concerns online or by phone. With either method, you can choose to remain anonymous. Find more information on the EthicsPoint website.
- A citizen complaint may be made directly to the UCSF Police Department to record information regarding police employee conduct, either commendatory acts or activities requiring departmental internal investigations. It can also be used to offer input regarding policies or procedures; or to report any activity or condition requiring immediate attention.
UCSF Police Department Interim Training Plan 2020
Access the UCSF Police Department Interim Training Plan 2020